2017 Challenge
Always needing something to be working towards, I have presented myself with 2 things to complete this year after I finished my B.A. ( Hons) last year. This years challenge is 2 fold. Firstly I have taken it upon myself to learn, record and demonstrate in lesson for every piece for Rock Guitar Grades across 3 different exam boards.
These being the RGT Grades, Rockschool Grades and the Trinity College of Music Grades. This means learning approximately 125 pieces and record videos for each. So far it is going well and the results can be seen at www.rockguitargrades.uk
The second challenge is to complete the Registry of Guitar Teachers highest award : The Fellowship of the London College of Music. This is a Level 7 award, the same as Masters Degree. As you can imagine this is a fearsome undertaking whilst still working and preparing all the tuition materials I do everyday, but one I relish.
Being a serial certificate collector, this may just complete my collection, although I am currently also doing my Grade 5 on Ukulele as well.
Please be understanding if I am slow replying on occasions, as I am, as you can imagine, working very hard all the time. However all this work is to your benefit as my lessons will only get better and more indepth, if they weren't already.